Friday, 3 January 2014

Preview 2014...

It's the start of the New Year and everyone seems to have their New Years Resolutions... so here's what's in store for me personally and on Pass or Praiseworthy blog...

Goal Setting: Every year I set goals at 6mths, 1 year, and 5 years and revisit them often

Lists: This year along with goal setting I'll be actively doing lists, I love lists and feel they give you instant gratification from accomplishments

Shop my Stash: I noticed I've been forgetting my back up stash bag, and found several products have expired. I'll need to amalgamate everything into one bag or box and revisit before I make new purchases. That or donate before it expires. Along that note, I need to see more pan before I go buy another bronzer or blush. Makeup hoarding is hard to ignore! Eeek :(

Declutter: Try and spend 15 minutes per day to re-organize/declutter and seasonally weed out clothing for donation.

Donate: You've probably noticed a lessoning in giveaways on the blog in the last year. What I've been doing instead is donating products and clothing to local woman's shelters. I'd like to continue that for 2014

Also 2014 will be a busy year for myself personally, so the blog may fall to the wayside

I will try to post when I can, and possibly expand the topics :) Would love to hear what you'd like to see more of! send me an email or comment!

Here's to 2014!

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