Friday, 22 November 2013

Fish Taco Cravings...Tacofino Commissary

Chips and Salsa
Fish Tacos (added extra guacamole)
Chicken Taco
Pork Taco
And for dessert I popped by Thierry for salted caramel macarons and paired them with these humo strawberries I found at Whole Foods...

My Verdict: Praiseworthy. I was at Earl's recently and was looking forward to ordering their fish tacos. To my surprise they no longer made them and have chicken tacos on the menu instead. I had a craving for fish tacos and now I was on a new mission to find a place that served decent ones in Vancouver. I googled Joey's, who no longer has them, and Cactus who I thought had them but online nothing was listed. I then sought the help of friends and finally decided on Tacofino Commissary. (I did call 2 Cactus's and they said the menu is different everywhere but the Broadway and Granville and Yaletown still have the fish tacos.) As you can see from the pics above the tacos are a decent size. I had the fish tacos (fresh and super crispy) while C had the other 2( he preferred the chicken out of the 2). The salsa was so yummy I downed that in zero time and wished there was more. These guys have food trucks around the city and the restaurant is open till 10pm M-Th and 11pm Sat. Thanks Christina for the recommendation!!!

2327 E Hastings Street
604 253 8226

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