Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Loving Now...Rapidlash

Top: Before
Bottom: After 4 weeks application every night
Sorry for the shotty photos, Iphone camera sucks close up

My Verdict: Praiseworthy. I received Rapidlash for Christmas(thanks L), and have been using it religiously since. I noticed at week 3 my lashes started to grow thicker. At week 4 you could tell the length changed. I'm at week 12 now and paired with my new fave mascara Rapidlash is my new best friend. I did notice some irritation after the 5th week around the lash base, but it could be from a number of reasons. Regardless after an hour I no longer notice the slight stinging sensation(I have a feeling it's from rubbing the mascara off and applying Rapidlash after).

Side note I have purchased Revitalash previously and while I did love the original formula I was not keen on the reformulated version. For a 3rd of the price and same results I would rather purchase Rapidlash. Wait for Shoppers Drug Mart for a sale, or score it for free using the Optimum points.

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