Friday, 7 September 2012

Fifty Shades...Trilogy

Thank you Stef for my birthday present!
My Verdict: Praiseworthy. In keeping with the PG13 view, I won't divulge too much.  I received the first book as a gift, which I felt it was a smidge hard core for my liking. But naturally my curious mind wanted to know more. Out I went to Book Warehouse to purchase the last 2. I will say my favorite of the 3 books is the last one, Fifty Shades of Freed. I love how there's a bit at the end in Christian's pov...
If you've read the first book and was turned off, do read it to the end. It's definately worth it! IMO however I could do without book 2...but who wants a 2 book series! More Christian Grey I say!!!
In other news...If you're obsessed with Fifty Shades as I am (I've read it 4 times since owning it...) you'll be happy to hear there's a Classical Album coming out...
Purchase the trilogy here...

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