Insurgent by Veronica Roth
My Verdict: Praiseworthy. After re-reading book one Divergent, I ran out and purchased Insurgent. Can not wait for the third installment! Plus there's a movie in the works...fantasy casting anyone???
On a side note, I purchased my book from Book Warehouse. Only 1 Book Warehouse location remains. All others have been closed. They now are linked with Black Bond Books who have kept the name Book Warehouse for the Broadway location.
*Spoilers- click away now...
some favorite pages and quotes;
Page 50
261- "I believe you're still in there," he says against my mouth. "come back"
390- "got that gun?" Peter says to Tobias.
"no," says Tobias, "I figured I would shoot the bullets out of my nostrils, so I left it upstairs."
399- "I'll be your family now." he says.
400- I am his, and he is mine, and it has been that way all along.
Readers what were your favorite pages??? And what faction would you belong to?
I would have been born in Candor(I speak the truth way too much!), and would have chosen Dauntless and failed miserably(not being able to catch that moving train!) and become factionless...
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