Friday, 2 March 2012

Library finds...

.50 in like new condition...found at Denman Library

My Verdict: Praiseworthy. Scored a book for .50 whilst at the library the other day. I've had much success at library sales. In the summer I narrowed down a box filled to the brim with books, and purchased the ones below for less than $15! In my stash I found this ancient dictionary and had to purchase it! What history...

Boxful of romance, fiction and a dictionary!
inside dictionary
last pages with images and maps...

Library sales in spring summer, and fall. Books are in like new or used condition.
FYI bring cash, and a friend if you need help lugging and "holding" your books while you peruse the aisles. BTW; it's a mess in there so set aside some time and shop away!

They have books, magazines, cd's, dvd's, language books and dictionaries!

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