Monday, 25 July 2011

IMATS Spree...

My Verdict: Pass. IMATS Vancouver was small, and none of the speakers were topics i was interested in. Ticket prices for 1 day $35, and both days $60. Waited 2 hours for MAKE UP FOR EVER, items at 40% off. I got there early but really there was no need as the line-ups started to dwindle by 2pm.
Best to bring a friend and save time between taking turns shopping and lining up. Other helpful tips; wear comfy shoes, bring a snack and water!
Overall I would not go again, perhaps in a different city(Now the IMATS Los Angeles is something worth going to.) with more tables and make-up discounts. If you're in the industry you could purchase from the websites or pro stores and save on the long line-ups, along with ticket entry.
The final day they try and liquidate items, so either take your chance or buy a ticket for both days.

Highlights: Crown Brushes for variety and affordable brushes
Haquyoko for good quality professional brushes
Eve Pearl for the Salmon concealer

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