Friday, 28 October 2011

Baja Shrimp Tortillas...

I`m absolutely useless in the kitchen and I`m surprised I was even able to conjure this up without burning up the kitchen. I find myself similar to Carrie from Sex in the City, if I had a chance to use my stove as storage I would.

I heard of this receipe from Lainey, and she mentioned Gwyneth Paltrow had a website and here`s the video where she`s making this.

You will need:
8 Peeled and de-veined shrimp
1 Avacado
cherry tomatoes
half an onion
handful of celantro
olive oil
hot sauce
2 tortillas

makes two tortillas

Here I`m using a pita(bought from the nearest greek fast food) as I couldn`t justify buying a dozen tortilla`s just to eat two.
Roll it up and enjoy!

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Timeless Beauty...

 9" length x 5.5" height
Chanel Black Classic Flap Bag in Caviar Leather, Gold Hardware size Medium

My Verdict: Praiseworthy. If I could only have one bag I would choose this Chanel. I`ve had this bag for 9 years and it`s still going strong. Timeless, elegant, and superb craftmanship. An investment piece that will stand the test of time.
The prices have increased dramatically since my purchase so if you`re able, get it now.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Recent Finds...Forever 21

this will be cute as a nautical inspired outfit
fits true to size
this will be hot for a New Years party!
Elastic waist, fits on the smaller side
Perfect for everyday

My Verdict: Praiseworthy. Found these beauties online recently. I've found online having more options then in store. Not to mention you don't have to deal with the hoards of people and line ups.

* Sorry for being MIA...have been and will be away for work for the next few weeks and will update periodically. Thanks for your patience!

Saturday, 22 October 2011

What`s in my makeup bag...

Everyday essentials...

Prada makeup bag
EOS lipbalm in Summer Fruit
Dior #343 Miss Dior
Chanel #56 Exquise
KATE designing eyebrow
Guerlain Pressed Powder Illuminating and Matifying #02 Teint Beige
Horn comb from chinatown $2.
Lancaster Skin Pure Blemish tinted pencil (thanks Linda)
Bath and Body Works Coconut lime and verbena
Toothpicks from restaurant I ate at...

* please note the majority of products mentioned on my blog either have been purchased at a discount from work or given for free...unless noted

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Unii Palette...

Neutral Eye for Everyday
Top Row: Mac Shroom, Mac Dazzlelight, Mac Vanilla and Mac Sable
Second Row: Benefit Coralista, Tarte Park Avenue Princess, and Mac Cubic
Changed to Evening Look
Top Row: Mac Shroom, Mac Haux, Mac Shale and Mac Nehru
Second Row: Benefit Coralista, Tarte Park Avenue Princess, and Mac Cubic

My Verdict: Praiseworthy. Love my white Unii palette for travel. * depotting is a bit hard, but after your 3rd one you`ll get the hang of it. Comes with instructions on how to depot, and magnetic adhesives.
Buy Online

Will do a post on what's in my makeup bag soon...

Monday, 10 October 2011


My Verdict: Praiseworthy. I first found out about Shiseido Tsubaki Shampoo and Conditioner from fellow blogger xppinkxx. Comes in 3 types; Red for Shining, White for Damage Care, and Gold for Head Spa. So pleased I converted. The scent is delicious! And you get silky silky strands! Builds a great lather, I use 3 pumps for each. I love how the pump is included and you can buy refills. T&T always has sales, the lowest I've spotted was $12.99 each.

*I'm using the Hot Tools 1" Curling Iron to get the wavy curl.

Pass on Kerastase Shine Revealing Shampoo for Colour-Treated Hair
I found I was using quite a bit of product to wash my hair. There was not much of a lather and I felt I wasted most of the product from trying to get a lather. The conditioner didn't help with the tangles and I also used quite a bit to distribute through the hair. For the price, I prefer the L'oreal Porfessional for Colour Treated hair.

Honorable Mentions:
In my blonde stage I completed damaged my hair to the point it fell out:(
Highly recommend for damaged hair, replenishes the hair and leaves it soft and shiny.
Great for color treated hair, smells divine. Great lather and conditioner makes it easy to comb through.

* If anyone is interested in how to get long hair like moi, send me an email at or leave a comment and I'll make a post

Friday, 7 October 2011

Giveaway winner...

And the winner is...
nia s
Congratulations!!! Your new lashes will be coming to you shortly. Thank you to all who submitted, fear not I will be having another lash giveway again!

Keep checking back!

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Velcro Hair Pins...

Dariya Maegami Fringe Holder

My Verdict: Praiseworthy. Saw these on YouTube and knew I had to see what all the hype was. I purchased my first one from imomoko, and my second I found at T&T Supermarket for $5.09. These things are awesome! No more kinks from bobby pins/clips, compact and easy to use.

Pretty and Cute used to have these adorable bow shaped velcro pins in various colors. You can still see what they look like, but aren`t available for purchase.